Rider Biomechanics Consultation

Rider biomechanics, studies the riders position and motion during movement and its interaction with the horse. The rider’s posture, fitness, balance and communication with the horse has a large interaction with the horse’s performance, which can impact the horse’s biomechanics in positive and negative ways. With the combination of anatomical, biomechanical and sport specific (equestrian) knowledge, The Eventing Physiologist will help you develop an effective riding positon, seat and rider fitness enabling performance improvements.

Rider Biomechanics sessions are 60mins focusing solely on Rider Biomechanics which includes:

  • A ridden assessment of your seat and position on your horse as you warm up through the paces and specific target points

  • An “off horse” assessment including strength and range of motion tests of your whole body, more specifically areas of importance to riders.

  • The session is then followed up with an explanation of the findings and its relation to the rider performance

  • The remainder of the session performed “on horse” working on improving the riders feel and understanding of their biomechanics and seat.

An overview of the session will be sent through via email after the session, explaining the findings as well as a treatment plan to continue with to further develop your riding performance between sessions.

Rider Fit / Exercise Physiology Consultation

Regardless if performance and results are your goal or not, rider weakness, tension and imbalances can create changes to a horse’s movement, reduce your stability in the saddle, lower your reaction time and inhibit your communication with the horse. We need to condition our body to react and respond accordingly, to not only ride more effectively, but to ride more safely as well. This can then in turn reduce the chances of injury for both horse and rider as well as improve the performance.

Rider Fit consultations are 60mins off horse sessions focusing solely on the rider’s fitness. The sessions are completely specific to you as the rider, initially we work through:

  • Your health and riding history

  • Your riding and health goals

  • Discussion and review of ridden videos

  • Specific outcome measures including, range of motion and strength tests are performed, specific to areas of injury and rider biomechanics

  • I then develop specific exercise prescription for you as the athlete, working on areas of importance to rider fitness and areas flagged as needing improvement.

A session overview and a tailored 4 week program is then provided after the consultation to further develop your rider fitness between consultations, specific to your goals and needs.

These sessions can be ongoing for those needing guidance or can be used to review your program as necessary. These sessions are claimable on Private Health for exercise physiology (please check your personal cover)

These sessions are conducted at my home clinic on Brisbane North Side or can be completed online.

Online Rider Fit consultation

Personalised online consultations are designed to help get the results in your rider fitness from ANY location! The sessions are completely specific to you as the rider working through:

  • Your health and riding history

  • Your health and riding goals

  • Review of ridden videos

  • Visual objective measures including, range of motion tests specific to areas of injury and rider biomechanics

  • I then develop specific exercise prescription for you as the athlete, working on areas of importance to rider fitness and areas flagged as needing improvement. A session overview and a tailored 4 week program is then provided after the consultation to further develop your rider fitness between consultations specific to your GOALS and NEEDS.